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Musicians Photo Instructions

Short Instructions:

Email 2-8 pictures to  Please make the subject of your email your name or your group


Much better instructions:

Your profile will be comprised of 2-8 pictures.  If you just send them, I will insert them where I think they look best.  If you care which ones are where, here is how you can choose:

Header:  See how at the top of the page there is a place that says “This is the header”?  That is where we need a really big landscape style picture.  The exact dimensions are 1400px x 350px.  I will crop it for you, but please make sure at least one of the pictures is really high resolution and wide.

Profile Picture: If you want one picture to be your main profile picture, please note which one by renaming it “profile.”  Otherwise I will pick one.  This doesn’t need to be huge.  Roughly 250×250

Photo Gallery:  I will upload up to six additional photos to your page in photo gallery format.  I would recommend you send either 3  or 6 photos for this area since they will be displayed in rows of 3.

Please send these pictures to and make the subject your name or the name of your group.


Really Lazy Instructions:

Ignore all of the instructions above and I will use pictures of Britney Spears for your profile.


Important Note:

Please only submit pictures that you have permission to use.  Photographers have rights too.  I do not want to be sued because you submitted a picture you did not have rights to use.  By submitting pictures you are taking responsibility for the publication of those pictures.